Terms and conditions  

These are the terms and conditions for the website www.translationhubcentral.com. The website is owned by KOKOPELLI TECHNOLOGIES LTD based in Kenya and provides translation services for documents to be delivered at a time frame requested by the client. Please read these terms and conditions carefully as they apply to all business conducted between clients and the website. 

1. Sales conditions  

All users interested in ordering a translation have to set up an account with the website in order to do so. This process does not take long and it allows us to remember your details and preferences the next time that you place an order with us. For more information on what we do with and how we protect the information that you provide us with during the account process then please see our privacy policy.

2. Translation requests  

This website provides written translations of documents in many different languages. All transactions are dealt with electronically over email.

All translation requests must be made on the website using your account information on the Order Translation page. A price will be established between the parties before the work can begin. 

All technical documents must be accompanied by reference documents to be supplied by the client and/or any other information which will help to provide a better understanding of the subject matter.

All costs of translations will be calculated by using the word count of the document in the source language unless this has been otherwise agreed in writing. 

3. Cancellations and refunds  

If a client cancels an order then all work that has already been completed will be billed at 100%. Any work that has been suspended will be billed at 50%. 

Any complaints or refund requests will only be taken into consideration if they are received by email from the client’s account with full details of the job within seven days of the delivery of the said job. All complaints or refunds requests must be accompanied by all of the original documents including the source material, the disputed translations as well as a full letter of explanation. Once the specified time has elapsed then complaints cannot be made.

4. Payments

Unless otherwise specified all payments must be made immediately and before any translation work can begin. Any late payments or failure to pay will result in the services to the client being suspended.

Once payments have been processed the following descriptor will appear on any bank statements: SM1_KOKOTECHLTD

5. Completed translations

The website will not be held liable in any instance for translations which are not stylistically satisfactory. The services are limited to simple translations which are intended for understanding purposes only, and are not intended for any other use such as advertising or promotional material.

Any defects that are present in one part of the translation will not be grounds for questioning the entire translation.

6. Delivery

There are three delivery options available to customers as follows:

  • Express delivery which can be completed on the same day
  • Quick delivery which can be completed within 24 hours
  • Standard delivery which can be completed in 5-7 business days

The website shall not be held liable for any delays that occur due to any technical faults. Nor shall the website be held liable for any delays that occur which are due to the customer not providing the correct source material.

7. Liability

The website www.translationhubcentral.com and its suppliers do not acknowledge any guarantee or condition related to the services offered, including all implicit guarantees and conditions regarding saleability, suitability for a particular purpose, ownership, and non-violation of third-party rights. 

The website and its suppliers shall not be liable for any reason whatsoever for any legal costs, special, indirect, or consequential damages or for any other damages of any type resulting from the loss of rights to use, loss of information, or lost profits, whether they result from the performance of a contract, negligence, or other detrimental actions, deriving from or in some way connected with the services of this website.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these terms and conditions then please get in touch with us using the contact information below. 

If you would like to know more about how we process and handle your data then please see our privacy policy.

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Contact Us



[email protected]